Thursday, November 5, 2009

Great Blogs, Great Blogs

Throughout the unit I found myself visiting the blog of Cuba2Miami. I found this blog interesting because it spread light on the subject of illegal/legal immigration from a perspective that is not common. I found this blog gave insight on topics of immigration that are usually glanced over. Cuba2Miami was able to write in a way that promoted freedom and her use of rhetoric caused the blog to have a compelling argument.
The blog Fluids and Flames of the Future, by NatureMan, discussed topics that I find very important to the future. When reading his posts, I constantly found that he had uncovered information about green technologies that I wanted to know, but was unable to find. I feel that Natureman did an excellent job of presenting information in an informative non-bias way. This captured my attention because of how much I was able to learn from his blog.
Fluids and Flames of the Future

I found myself always clicking on the link for the blog by Political_Blogger. Modern Problems with the United Nations was an interesting blog to me because of it's relation to my subject. I found that his blog, along with references he found, allowed me to deepen my knowledge concerning the United Nations global council. His blog also provided me with ideas to write my posts on. I also enjoyed his perspective on the situation because of his unique intellectual ideas.
Modern Problems with the United Nations

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